
Best Practices for eCommerce Bookkeeping (+ How to Improve Your Bookkeeping with Reconcile)

As a business owner, eCommerce bookkeeping is essential but it can easily become overwhelming. From tracking numerous transactions across multiple platforms to reconciling various accounts, bookkeeping responsibilities quickly pile up. Without organized and accurate financial records, you risk making ill-informed business decisions while facing tax headaches.

Above all, a single mistake in financial records can jeopardize your entire online platform – whether you are selling on Amazon, Shopify, or any other site, you need to learn the basics of bookkeeping management.

With the help of bookkeeping, you can pen down and track a whole catalog of every single transaction. Be it payment, sales, invoice details, shipping fees, processing fees, other merchant fees, or even filing taxes.

Hence, in this blog post, we'll cover several best practices to streamline your bookkeeping process and make it far less painful.

Firstly! What Is eCommerce Bookkeeping?

Well, eCommerce bookkeeping refers to the processes and practices for recording financial transactions and maintaining accurate accounting records for businesses that sell products or services online. This includes:

  • Tracking sales and expenses from online marketplaces.
  • Reconciling accounts receivable, accounts payable, credit cards, and bank accounts.
  • Categorizing income and expenses.
  • Maintaining documentation like receipts, invoices, bills, etc.
  • Generating financial statements.
  • Preparing tax returns
  • Complying with eCommerce sales tax requirements.

  • Proper bookkeeping takes some work but is essential for understanding the true profitability and health of an online business. FYI: Automating where possible via reconciliation software can save significant time.

    5 Best Practices for eCommerce Bookkeeping

    By following these practices, you will gain financial clarity with improved decision-making ability. Above and beyond, you will be able to focus more on your eCommerce business growth and less on tedious paperwork.

    Read on to transform the way you handle eCommerce bookkeeping!


    1. Set Up Separate Business Bank Accounts

    Having separate bank accounts is mandatory… it is a foundational step in maintaining clear and concise records of your business income and expenses. Having dedicated accounts would also prevent the mixing of personal and business finances while ensuring accurate bookkeeping.

    By upholding this practice, you can easily create a financial framework that will enhance your decision-making process. Moreover, you will get more time to concentrate on strategic business expansion rather than being bogged down by the intricacies of paperwork.

    2. Organize Documentation and Automate Downloads

    Keeping detailed records of bills, receipts, invoices, etc. is pretty essential for bookkeeping. You must arrange these documents weekly or monthly to facilitate easy access. Besides, to enhance efficiency, automate downloads from payment platforms and accounting software wherever possible.

    This integration minimizes manual errors, saving time and ensuring accurate financial data. This systematic approach not only fosters financial clarity but also empowers your business to adapt swiftly to market changes.

    3. Reconcile Accounts Frequently

    You might have been doing this practice of reconciling your accounts… but you should do it bi-monthly. If you think it is difficult to reconcile accounts, you can opt for auto-reconciliation tools to align your transactions promptly. While reconciliation you can identify discrepancies timely, helping you avoid potential issues in the future.

    By embracing this practice, you ensure the accuracy of your financial records, enhancing the reliability of your eCommerce bookkeeping. This consistent reconciliation not only safeguards against errors but also bolsters your financial decision-making proficiency.

    4. Categorize Transactions Correctly

    Accurately categorize all income and expenses for reporting purposes. For eCommerce, classify transactions including payment processing fees, advertising, packaging, and website hosting.

    Common eCommerce categories include advertising, packaging/shipping, payment processing fees, website hosting, etc. Deductible business expenses should be properly identified.

    This careful categorization gives you a clear financial picture. Furthermore, precisely recognizing deductible business expenses is critical - such precision not only ensures accurate financial statements but also aids in tax strategy optimization.

    5. Hire A Bookkeeper or Accountant If Needed

    As your eCommerce business grows in size and complexity, consider hiring a skilled bookkeeper or accountant to manage your financial records. This smart measure not only frees up your time but also ensures experienced compliance assistance.

    It is critical, however, to remain actively engaged by analyzing all financial documents regularly. This dual approach capitalizes on the advantages of specialized knowledge while maintaining a hands-on awareness of your financial landscape.

    By combining expert assistance with your oversight, you assure careful eCommerce bookkeeping, allowing you to focus on strategic endeavors and business progress while being secure in the correctness and integrity of your financial framework.

    5 Ways to Improve eCommerce Bookkeeping with Reconcile

    1. Automatically Match Transactions

    Reconcile will automatically match and sync transactions from all your selling channels, bank accounts, and credit cards into one system. This saves tons of time manually matching everything.

    2. Categorize expenses with auto-categorization

    The software can automatically categorize common expenses like fees, refunds, etc. This removes many hours of manual categorization work.

    3. Generate financial statements

    Reconcile's reporting features allow you to quickly generate real-time income statements, balance sheets, profit & loss statements, and more for insights.

    4. Stay organized

    You can upload receipts and documentation to Reconcile to keep everything housed in one platform. Tags and searches make finding documentation easy.

    5. Identify discrepancies

    The reconciliation tool highlights any transaction discrepancies between accounts so you can quickly research and resolve them. This avoids major issues down the road.

    Overall, using an automated reconciliation platform like Reconcile streamlines the entire bookkeeping process. The time savings from automation and organization features allow you to focus on business growth with clarity into your true financial position.

    Wrap Up!!

    In the fast-paced world of the internet, effective eCommerce bookkeeping stands as a cornerstone for informed decision-making and sustained growth. Remember that the purpose of the practices stated above is to free you up to focus on strategic growth and innovation rather than the minutiae of paperwork.

    By developing a well-organized and precise bookkeeping system, you are doing more than just managing numbers; you are setting the framework for your company's financial stability and future success. So, adopt these best practices and think about the value of reconciliation in improving your financial operations, all while propelling your eCommerce company to new heights.

    If you still need help with your bookkeeping management… Aberny is always at your service! The accountants and bookkeeping experts working there have hands-on experience and can help you reap maximum benefit out of your business.